Thursday, October 11, 2018

Pics of Shylah-Keyboa aka Shylah-Kyyboa and Tribe camping

These are some pics from Shylah's major camping trip with her Keyboa-tribe. Also a video clip from the adventure. It shows Arajah finding crayfish.

Keyboa-tribe Ahgamen w- Shylah Arajah Zenairoh

Shylah-Keyboa 2018 camping

Arajah Keyboa finding Crayfish from Ahgamen Keyboa on Vimeo.
Arajah Keyboa is at a beautiful creek in the wilderness. He finds a crayfish (crawdad) and Ahgamen says Show it to Shylah. But don't let it pinch her! This is adventure with the Keyboa-tribe.

Shylah Keyboa as Judy Garland playing Dorothy

Shylah Keyboa as Dorothy in the Land of Oz from Ahgamen Keyboa on Vimeo.
Shylah Keyboa as Dorothy in the Land of Oz. Remember Dorothy? As portrayed by Judy Garland in the classic movie the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Documentary of the Keyboa family with Mar gah Leelah and Ahgamen, founder of the new tribe. circa 2010

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Ahgamen Keyboa: who is this figure? An individual, ...

Ahgamen Keyboa: Ahgamen Keyboa who is this figure? An individual, ...: Ahgamen Keyboa founder of the Keyboa Tribe.  The Keyboa is: a tribal nation, new, with its own calendar, maps, language, and Divine plan...